Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Made New

Being forgiven of sins has always been a tough one for me to understand. How can a GIANT mistake just go away...? My last companion Sister Nordstrom helped me get this one.

It's kind of like your life is a 2x4. Every little mistake you make is a nasty nail pounded deep into the wood, marring the perfect grain and forever changing the natural beauty. Lucky for us, Jesus Christ paid for those nails. When we sincerely repent, it's as if each of those nails is pulled out.

That almost covers it. Aren't there still holes and defects from the nails?


Jesus Christ doesn't just pull out the nail. He gives us a whole new 2x4. We get to start all over.

"If thou believest in the redemption of Christ,
thou canst be healed."

- Alma 15:8

1 comment:

  1. Remember those inexpensive "slates" you could buy at the dollar store? (maybe you still can) When I was baptized at 8 years old, (And I am now 53)my dad explained that the atonement works like one of those slates that you write on and then you lift the page and the marks disappear. (Which he demonstrated) It made a lot of sense to me back then. I have learned that I need to show my faith in the Savior--believe that his atonement covers those sins that I truly want to be rid of in my life. (In other words--repent of those sins) Then the Savior, through His atonement, allows the slate to become clean. "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more". Hebrews 8:12 vtj
