"Challenges don’t determine who we are; rather, our responses to those challenges determine who we become."

Rather than reacting with a thoughtless word of accusation or revenge, when I feel that I have been wronged I can immediately turn to the Lord and seek healing from His grace.

He suffered for each pain, sorrow, and unfairness, He can certainly heal any wound.

 "As I have thought about the life of Christ, I think He practices anticipatory forgiveness in the purest form. Because of his unique role in the plan of happiness, He has already anticipated my faults and frailties. He has the ability to see me as a whole person and judge me based upon my heart. When He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, it was at that time that anticipatory forgiveness was granted to me and to all men.”

"Perhaps we, anticipate the opportunities to forgive ... and ask daily, 'Whom may I forgive today?'"