Wednesday, February 1, 2012

He Wants to Talk

There have been multiple times in my recent life when I, quite honestly, don't feel like praying. The times when prayer has little appeal are the times when I doubt that Heavenly Father wants to hear from me whether it's because I have been disobedient or because I have neglected my relationship with Him.

It is easy to think that He is too disappointed, frustrated, or has just gotten tired of waiting and given up on me; that He doesn't want to talk...

That type of thinking is from Satan.

President Thomas S. Monson makes it clear that God DOES want to hear from us. No matter where we've been or where we are. We may not always invite Him, but He is always there and will continually wait for us.

"If you do not now have...a relationship with your Father in Heaven,
I urge you to work toward that goal.
As you do so, you will be entitled to His inspiration and guidance in your life -
necessities for each of us if we are to survive spiritually
during our sojourn here on earth.
Such inspiration and guidance are gifts He freely gives if we but seek them.
What Treasures they are!"

He WANTS us to know truth. He WANTS us to ask questions. He WANTS us to have clarity in our lives. The only way to succeed in these things is to build a relationship of 2-way communication with Him.

He WANTS to talk.

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