Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Greatest Gift

Heavenly Father has blessed me in countless ways with countless things. But if I had to choose just ONE of those that was the very most important, it would be...


Meet my parents!

By some undeserved miracle I was born to two of the most incredible individuals in existence.

My dad is a physical scientist/geologist/guitar-player/grandpa/mr. fix-it/leader/worthy priesthood holder.

My mom is a secretary/grandma/best friend/piano-teacher/seamstress/decorator/guardian/teacher.

You can imagine the team they make!

And on top of all of the things they are good at, they are the best parents in the world. I might not have always thought they were, but now I KNOW they are.

They taught me important values starting from the very youngest age. It wasn't always perfect but there are many things I want to do in my future family! Some of them are:

Always close our day together with family prayer.

Dedicate monday nights to Family Home Evening. No matter what...

Read from the Book of Mormon every day.

Keep the Sabbath Day holy by spending it together.

Not to mention - -

Till the day I left on my mission they waited for me to come home at night.

They helped me accomplish every goal I had.

They expressed their love and appreciation often.

They STILL write to me every single week!

I think most importantly, by all of these things and many more, they showed me that the gospel of
Jesus Christ is the most important thing to them.

They are the best!


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