Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Last Thursday we decided to read the Book of Mormon in 1 week. My first thought: "ya...right..."

BUT - we needed some very specific and personal blessings

  • Strengthened testimony
  • Renewed motivation for missionary work
  • Greater peace
among others...

So we embarked on this scripture-reading (or skimming, as I expected) quest.

I got started on a pretty good foot but quickly realized the insane challenge I had undertaken. I began to realize that FAILING was definitely in my cards. But, I had made this commitment to myself, and to the Lord, and I just really didnt want to disappoint either of us.

This morning the alarm screamed at me around 5:06,  GET UP AND READ THE BOOK OF MORMON!

380 pages down....151 pages to go. I have until tomorrow night. I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. OK, I accept the challenge. The Lord gave me a specific blessing (experience) recently and completing a challenge to read the Book of Mormon is a fitting way to acknowledge his hand in it and to say thank you. No, I do not consider it repayment in any way. Just a small thank you to God along with the hope that he will send other similar experiences my way. NRJ
